the Imperative Precepts of the Omnigma Organization
Over the centuries there have been many different sets of "rules" for living formulated by many disparate people and groups; from the Babylonian code of Hammurabi to the 10 commandments and many others.
But, we find those we've examined to contain superfluous dictates, inappropriate, brutal and needless prescriptions for punishment and/or superstitious elements to which we cannot give any credence.
Researchers in our organization have spent over two decades examining all the values systems we could find. The intent was to create a concise set of precepts that would facilitate a personal life experience that was most beneficial and worthwhile. As a result, we have formulated, and offer, what we consider to be the most complete and exemplary Imperative precepts.
» the Imperative Precepts of the Omnigma Organization «

While we consider these precepts to be fully developed and comprehensive when carefully examined and applied,
we are open to polite questions and constructive comments by E-mail: contact@omnigma.org

Our organizations and all our works are
recognized, validated by and recorded in the Library of Congress, where their copyrights are also registered.

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entirety tm and © Copyright 1998-2024 Don C. Windmiller founder of the Omnigma Organization and CrossWind Communication Arts
all rights reserved.