March 2024      
Statement of the The Omnigma Organization
on the causes and effects of the failure of human society
For approximately 60 years we have carefully studied human society. We have examined interpersonal interactions, group interactions, the financial systems that drive society, the personal values and ethics systems that motivate the actions of people toward others and the physical environment in which we all live.

The human characteristics which have the most impact on society and the physical world are: honesty/dishonesty, generosity/greed, responsibility/irresponsibility. And, we see frequent use of violence and destruction to try to solve problems. These attitudes manifest themselves in conflict between people and groups of people regarding: land ownership, finances, use/abuse of resouces and subjugation of others on a personal or group level.

There have been attempts to create a society and governance system where everyone is treated fairly, and resources (financial and physical) are used responsibly. However, the underlying selfishness, greed and dishonesty lurking in human minds has always led to corruption and the destruction of those societies either quickly or eventually. We laud, encourage and hope for any attempts to advance society toward greater honesty, equity and caring.

Here in the 21st Century the culmination of this corruption is a society where inequality has grown to obscene extremes and is rampant in all areas and on all levels: wealth, personal freedoms, bigotry based on race, ethnicity, financial status, religion, etc. There are no limits or mechanisms to control, or reverse, the failure of society caused by inequality or other destructive forces. All we see are signs of society continuing to deteriorate as the wealthy and powerful 1% of society gain ever more obscene wealth and power over the 99% who are less wealthy and powerful. Even though many powerful, rich forces continue to ignore it, the abuse of physical resources and the signs of the destruction of the environment can no longer be denied.

It seems that the physical (and societal) environment is continuing to be further degraded to the point that human society could soon be utterly extinguished. Thus, unless the current trends we discussed are reversed by what may be an upheaval on a scale of participation and revolution that involves most of humanity, we stipulate, with few exceptions, society is a failure. But, we must all accept responsibility to do what we can to improve our world.

And, we are open to polite questions and constructive comments by E-mail: contact@omnigma.org
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